Tuesday, 11 September 2012

3D Visualisations

As another part of the OVAM project Per Karlsson a recent graduate from the Royal Veterinary College is working to develop an interface which will allow the use of datasets to provide 3D visualisations of anatomical structures. The first area which is being developed as a prototype is the equine distal limb. A high level of functionality will be included in the end product. Each structure will have an information tab which will appear when clicked on with descriptive text, alternative names for the structure, embedded images and related videos as well as links to other resources such as WikiVet pages or other OVAM resources. Structures and body systems can be added and turned on/off and then reset with the possibility to add audio at a later stage in development. The aim is to have created an interface where different datasets can easily be imported to create 3D visualisations. If you are interested in collaborating and have any datasets which you would like to share then please get in touch with us.  

Shown above is a draft view of how the interface may look. The prototype can be viewed at http://www.ovam.scopty.com/

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